Garden Wing Gallery
I have received many wonderful graphics and more
from my wonderful
friends in the Garden of Friendship to share with you.

Grammy J is one of the most special Garden Keepers. The
wonderful graphic was from her.
I've also been visited by other members including blossoms,
Marlynn, a special garden friend and more. As I find the
graphics, which
hopefully I didn't lose in the crash they'll be added to this
Many thanks to all!

The blossoms celebrated their Birthday with a party.
They have visited and left flowers of friendship. Unfortunately I
lost their graphics in the crash, but have others at
Storme's Blossom Garden

I have celebrated a few Anniversaries as a Garden Member!

More Second year celebration graphics at main Garden page.

More gifts from the Blossoms are at a new page, Storme's Blossom
The Blossoms are a wonderful giving group in the garden.

Thank you for the lovely graphics and celebrating with me!
Below graphic from Cheri celebrating my one year
Garden Anniversary!

A lovely graphic from Jennie below.

I made the above graphic to thank the Garden
Keepers for all they do, and for
working so hard to make the Garden such a
wonderful community.

There are many contests and activities you can
participate in the Garden in
addition to meeting and making wonderful friends.

Thank you Gramy J, I enjoyed the hunt!

I was proud to place in a poetry contest.
The award is on my Garden Main Dedication page.

A new activity recently is to write a paragraph
and pass it on to the next
writer. I've enjoyed participating in a
couple of the stories!
Click on the graphic to read the story!

Suprised to win first!

Thanks to the Garden Keepers for the lovely congratulatory

The Games and Events Group of the Garden offers so many wonderful
One year we all participated in a
Halloween Story.

I made the above pumpkin for a contest and the below ornament.
 I went Trick or Treating in the Garden and below are my treats!

More wonderful Garden Graphics and more at
Garden Wing Gallery II.
We also share the hard times too. The Garden's Founder lost
her mother in 2006.

My Garden of Friendship Main page is at the
Garden of Friendship Wing.
My gifts, awards and more from the Garden are at the Garden of
GalleryWing and at the
Friendship Gallery Wing II.
My angel gifts from the Garden's Angels are at the Garden of Friendship Angel Wing.
My Gifts from the Garden's Blossoms are At
Storme's Blossom Garden.
I belong to the Quilter's club and have many quilting pages including my
Garden of Friendship
Quilter's Club Name Quilt. Most of my quilts contain
member's squares.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Garden graciously created
Birthday 2003 and
Anniversary 2003 pages for us.
Please visit my Birthday
2004 or Anniversary
2004 pages and see
the beautiful work they do!
Visit the Garden at

Please visit and or sign
My Guestbook.

[Snow][Island][Cat][Garden][MadCat][Patriotic Porch][Study][Ring][Vacation]
[Lists][AdoptionPorch][Banners][Ring][Graphics][Haunted Courthouse][Library]
Birthday 04][Mysty's
[GOF Tutorial][Celebrity][Quilt3]
Our Site Index is at
Storme Millennium Index.©
I am slowly trying to get many online. I did lose some
in a
computer crash or cd damage, please feel free to resend them,
The gallery was reframed on June 11, 2008.